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Усмонов К.У., Бобоева З.Х. Проблема сочинительных союзов в начале независимых предикативных единиц (на материале таджикского и английского языков)



(based on a  material of Tajik and English languages)

Usmonov Karim Usmanovich

Candidate of Philology,

Professor of Chair of Translation and the English grammar

Acad.B.Gafurov Khujand State University

19 dist. 29, apart. 7, 735700, Khujand, Republic of Tajikistan

Ph.: (+992) 92 756 10 15 (m.)

Boboyeva Zaynura Homitzhonovna

Senior teacher of Chair of Foreign Languages

Acad. B.Gafurov Khujand State University

Ayni 1/1, 735690, subdistrict Vodnik, Bobojon Gafurov district, Republic of Tajikistan

Ph.: (+992) 92 720 36 66 (m.)


The article deals with the essence of such syntactic phenomenon as a simple sentence beginning with coordinative conjunctions. The phenomen is considered as a separate syntactical construction associated with the previous context and mostly this type of sentences has rheme function.

Keywords: coordinative conjunction; applying function; separate syntactical construction; rematic function; text component.


1.      Akhmanova O.S. Dictionary of Linguistic Terminology. –M.: Sovetskaya encyclopedia, 1966. – 604 p.

2.      Bobojon A. The Child of October // Mountain Tulips. – Dushanbe: Adib, 1987. – Р.74-80. (in Tajik).

3.      Dmitrenko V.A. The Structural and Semantic Features and Functions of Complex Sentences, and Conjunctive Constructions with Coordinative bond. (on the material oft he interactive texts): Thesis abstract of сand. phil. sciences. –Odessa, 1989. – 17 p.

4.      Iofik. L.L. The Problem of Structure of a Complex Sentences in Modern English: Thes. of doc. phil. sciences. –L., 1965. – 41 p.

5.      Muhammadiev F. Collections. V. II. Dushanbe: Adib, 1990. – 387 p. (in Tajik).

6.      Najmiddinov M. The Adventures of Brothers // Mountain Tulips. – Dushanbe: Adib, 1987. –Р.24-35 (in Tajik).

7.      Shohzoda S. The Flag of Fallen // Mountain Tulips. – Dushanbe: Adib, 1987. –Р.90-97 (in Tajik).

8.      Abrahams P. The Path of Thunder. Higher School Publishing House. – M., 1971. – 336 p.

9.      Galsworthy J. Modern Comedy. Book 3. –M.: Progress Publishers, 1976. – 327 p.

10. Ganshina M.A., Vasilevskaya N.M. English Grammar. –M.: Higher School Publishing House, 1964. – 345 p.

11. Hardy Th. Far From the Madding Crowd. –London, 1967. – 423 p.

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