Вестник РТСУ

Алламуродова С.Дж. Интертекст в понимании французских структуралистов: спорные моменты

УДК 811.133.1


Алламуродова Сабохат Джураевна

Кандидат филологических наук,

доцент кафедры русского языка для нефилологических факультетов

Таджикский национальный университет

734025, Республика Таджикистан, Душанбе, пр. Рудаки, 17

Тел: (+992) 908 55 25 25 (м.)


Интертекстуальность – понятие сложное ввиду расплывчатости и чрезвычайной неопределенности его содержания. Такая неопределенность объясняется отчасти отсутствием единства в понимании базисных категорий теории интертекста, отчасти тем, что интертекстуальность обычно воспринимается исследователями как понятие элементарное и далее неделимое. Между тем при внимательном его рассмотрении оказывается, что оно представлено целым рядом субкатегориальных подтипов. В данном контексте очевидной кажется необходимость уточнения ключевых понятий теории интертекста. В статье рассматривается введение в научный обиход термина «интертекст» Юлией Кристевой, понимание данного термина французскими структуралистами и их последователями и обсуждение спорных моментов в трактовке термина.

Ключевые слова: текст; интертекст; французский структурализм; авангард; транспозиция; текстуальная интерпретация.


1.        Женетт Ж. Палимпсесты: литература во второй степени. – М.: Науч.мир, 1982. – 76 с.

2.        Allen, Graham: Intertextuality. – London; – New York: Routledge, 2000. – 238 p.

3.        Clayton Jay and Eric Rothstein. Figures in the Corpus: theories of influence and intertextuality // Influence and Intertextuality in literary history; eds. Jay Clayton and Eric Rothstein. – Madison: U of Wisconsin P, 1991. –Р.3-36.

4.        Frow John. Marxism and Literary history. – Cambridge, MA: Harvard UP, 1986. – 275 p.

5.        Genette Gérard. The Architext: An Introduction / trans. Jane E.Lewin. – Berkeley: U of California P, 1992. – 100 p.

6.        Genette Gérard. Paratexts: Thresholds of Interpretation / trans. Jane E.Lewitt. – Cambridge, MA: Cambridge UP, 1977. – 427 p.

7.        Haberer Adolphe. The Intertextual Effect // Symbolism: An international journal of critical asthetics. – 2005. – №5. –Р.35-60.

8.        Hutcheon Linda. A Theory of parody: The teachings of twentieth-century art forms. – Champagne-Urbana: U of Illinois P, 2000. – 168 p.

9.        Kristeva Julia. Revolution in Poetic Language // The Kristeva Reader; trans. Margaret Waller; ed. Toril Moi. – Oxford: Blackwell, 1989. –Р.89-136.

10.    Kristeva Julia. Word, Dialogue and Novel // The Kristeva Reader; trans. Alice Jardine, Thomas Gora, and Léon S.Roudiez; ed. Toril Moi. – Oxford: Blackwell, 1989. –Р.34-61.

11.    Mai Hans-Peter. Bypassing intertextuality: Hermeneutics, textual practice, hypertext // In Intertextuality. Plett, Heinrich F. (ed.) Walter de Gruyter. – Berlin, 1991. – Р.30-59.

12.    Pfister Manfred. How Postmodern Is Intertextuality? // In Intertextuality. Plett, Heinrich F. (ed.) Walter de Gruyter. – Berlin, 1991. – P.207-224.

13.    Plett Heinrich F. The Poetics of Quotation // Annales Universitatis scientiarum budapestinensis: Sectio linguistica. – 1986. – №17. –Р.293-313.

14.    Plett Heinrich F. Intertextualities // Intertextuality; ed. Heinrich F.Plett. –Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 1991. – Р.3-29.

15.    Riffaterre Michael. Syllepsis // Critical Inquiry. – 1980. – №7. –Р.625-638.

16.    Riffaterre Michael. Compulsory Reader Response: The Intertextual Drive // Intertextuality; ed. Judith Still and Michael Worton. – Manchester: Manchester UP, 1990. – P.56-78.

17.    Riffaterre Michael. Intertextual Representation: On Mimesis as Interpretive Discourse // Critical Inquiry. – 1984. – №11.1. – Р.141-162.

18.    Riffaterre Michael. Intertextual Unconscious // Critical Inquiry. – №13. 2. The Trial(s) of Psychoanalysis (Winter). – 1987. –Р. 371-385.

19.    Still Judith, and Michael Worton. Intertextuality: Theories and practice. – Manchester; – New York: Manchester UP, 1990. – 208 p.

20.    Worton Michael. Textuality: To InterTextuality or to Ressurect It // Cross-References: Modern french theory and the practice of criticism; eds. Isabella Llasera and David Kelley. – Leeds, UK: Society for French Society, 1986. –Р.14-23.



Allamurodova Sabohat Juraevna

Candidate of philological sciences,

associate professor of the chair of the Russian language for non-philological faculties

Tajik national university

734025, Republic of Tajikistan Dushanbe, Rudaki ave., 17

Ph: (+992) 908 55 25 25 (m.)


Intertextuality is a complex concept due to the vagueness and extreme vagueness of its content. This uncertainty is partly explained by the lack of unity in the understanding of the basic categories of the theory of intertext, partly by the fact that intertextuality is usually perceived by researchers as an elementary concept and further indivisible. Meanwhile, upon closer examination, it turns out that it is represented by a number of subcategory subtypes. In this context, it seems obvious that it is necessary to clarify the key concepts of the intertext theory. In the article, the introduction of the term "intertext" into scientific use by Julia Kristeva considered, as well as the understanding of this term by French structuralists and their followers, and discussion of controversial issues in the interpretation of the term.

Keywords: text; intertext; French structuralism; vanguard; transposition; textual interpretation.


1.      Genette J. Palimpsests: literature in the second degree. – M.: Nauchny mir, 1982. – 76 p.

2.      Allen, Graham: Intertextuality. – London; – New York: Routledge, 2000. – 238 p.

3.      Clayton Jay and Eric Rothstein. Figures in the Corpus: theories of influence and intertextuality // Influence and Intertextuality in literary history; eds. Jay Clayton and Eric Rothstein. – Madison: U of Wisconsin P, 1991. –Р.3-36.

4.      Frow John. Marxism and Literary history. – Cambridge, MA: Harvard UP, 1986. – 275 p.

5.      Genette Gérard. The Architext: An Introduction / trans. Jane E.Lewin. – Berkeley: U of California P, 1992. – 100 p.

6.      Genette Gérard. Paratexts: Thresholds of Interpretation / trans. Jane E.Lewitt. – Cambridge, MA: Cambridge UP, 1977. – 427 p.

7.      Haberer Adolphe. The Intertextual Effect // Symbolism: An international journal of critical asthetics. – 2005. – №5. –Р.35-60.

8.      Hutcheon Linda. A Theory of parody: The teachings of twentieth-century art forms. – Champagne-Urbana: U of Illinois P, 2000. – 168 p.

9.      Kristeva Julia. Revolution in Poetic Language // The Kristeva Reader; trans. Margaret Waller; ed. Toril Moi. – Oxford: Blackwell, 1989. –Р.89-136.

10. Kristeva Julia. Word, Dialogue and Novel // The Kristeva Reader; trans. Alice Jardine, Thomas Gora, and Léon S.Roudiez; ed. Toril Moi. – Oxford: Blackwell, 1989. –Р.34-61.

11. Mai Hans-Peter. Bypassing intertextuality: Hermeneutics, textual practice, hypertext // In Intertextuality. Plett, Heinrich F. (ed.) Walter de Gruyter. – Berlin, 1991. – Р.30-59.

12. Pfister Manfred. How Postmodern Is Intertextuality? // In Intertextuality. Plett, Heinrich F. (ed.) Walter de Gruyter. – Berlin, 1991. – P.207-224.

13. Plett Heinrich F. The Poetics of Quotation // Annales Universitatis scientiarum budapestinensis: Sectio linguistica. – 1986. – №17. –Р.293-313.

14. Plett Heinrich F. Intertextualities // Intertextuality; ed. Heinrich F.Plett. –Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 1991. – Р.3-29.

15. Riffaterre Michael. Syllepsis // Critical Inquiry. – 1980. – №7. –Р.625-638.

16. Riffaterre Michael. Compulsory Reader Response: The Intertextual Drive // Intertextuality; ed. Judith Still and Michael Worton. – Manchester: Manchester UP, 1990. – P.56-78.

17. Riffaterre Michael. Intertextual Representation: On Mimesis as Interpretive Discourse // Critical Inquiry. – 1984. – №11.1. – Р.141-162.

18. Riffaterre Michael. Intertextual Unconscious // Critical Inquiry. – №13. 2. The Trial(s) of Psychoanalysis (Winter). – 1987. –Р. 371-385.

19. Still Judith, and Michael Worton. Intertextuality: Theories and practice. – Manchester; – New York: Manchester UP, 1990. – 208 p.

20. Worton Michael. Textuality: To InterTextuality or to Ressurect It // Cross-References: Modern french theory and the practice of criticism; eds. Isabella Llasera and David Kelley. – Leeds, UK: Society for French Society, 1986. –Р.14-23.



Алламуродова Сабоҳат Ҷӯраевна

Номзади илмҳои филологӣ,

дотсенти кафедраи забони русӣ барои факултетҳои ғайрифилологӣ

Донишгоҳи миллии Тоҷикистон

734025, Ҷумҳурии Тоҷикистон, Душанбе, хиёбони Рӯдакӣ, 17

Тел: (+992) 908 55 25 25 (м.)


Интерматннокӣ мафҳуми мураккаб аст, чунки мазмуни он басо печдарпеч ва хеле васеъ аст. Чунин номуайянӣ қисман аз вуҷуд надоштани ягонагӣ дар фаҳмиши категорияҳои заминавии назарияи интерматн, қисман аз он, ки интерматннокӣ одатан аз тарафи муҳаққиқон ҳамчун мафҳуми оддитарин ва минбаъд тақисмнашаванда фаҳмида мешавад, бармеояд. Аммо таҳлили амиқ ва ҳаматарафаи он нишон медиҳад, ки ин мафҳум бо як қатор зертипҳои субкатегориалӣ муаррифӣ шудааст. Дар ҳошиаи ин матлаб зарурати аниқ намудани мафҳумҳои калидии назарияи интерматн ҳатмӣ ва мантиқан дуруст менамояд. Дар мақола ба таоруфоти илмӣ ворид намудани истилоҳи «интерматн» аз ҷониби Юлия Кристева, дарки маънои истилоҳи мазкур аз тарафи структуралистони фаронсавӣ ва пайравони онҳо, инчунин муҳокимаи ҷиҳатҳои баҳснок дар фаҳмиши ин истилоҳ мариди баррасӣ қарор дода шудааст.

Калидвожаҳо: матн; интерматн; структурализми фаронсавӣ; авангард; транспозитсия; фаҳмиши матнӣ.

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