Рахмонов А.С., Бахтеев К.С. Роль информационных технологий в развитии высшего образования РТСУ
Senior Lecturer of Chair of the Modern
Russian of Pedagogical Faculty
Baku Slavonic University
Rasul Рza 125, Nasiminsky district, Baku, Azerbaijan Republic, Az 1014,
The article is dealt with the problem of definition of the prepositions as a special lexical and grammatical class of words. It is noticed that the prepositions take an important place in the system of syntactic words of Russian. Essential signs of the prepositions differing from another class of syntactic words are distinguished
Keywords: the union; syntactic words; a word; definition; allied functive; syntactic phraseological units.
1. Ahmanova O. S. The dictionary of linguistic terms. -М: Soviet encyclopaedia. 2 ed., 1969.
2. Bulahovsky L.A. The course of Russian literary language. 5th ed. -Kiev: Radyanska shkola, 1952.
3. Vinogradov V.V. Grammatical doctrine about a word. 2 ed. -М: Russian, 1972.
4. Grammar of Russian. -М: Publishing house AN of the USSR, 1960. V.V. I, II.
5. Grammar of a modern Russian literary language. -М: Science, 1970.
6. Le So Chong. About separate written words in modern Russian // Russian at school, 1977, № 3. PP. 88-91.
7. Orlov A.E., Cheremisina M. I. Contact combinations of the conjunctions and particles in Russian (to problem statement) // Polypredicative constructions and their morphological base (on a material of Siberian and European languages). -Novosibirsk: Science, 1980. PP. 208-223.
8. Rogozhnikova R.P. To a question on the lexicographic description of derivative prepositions and the compound conjunctions // Lexicology and a lexicography. М: Science, 1972. PP. 102-114.
9. Cheremisina M. I. The conjunction as a language lexical unit: the Lexeme or function // Actual problems of lexicology and wordbuilding. Novosibirsk: Publishing house Novosibirsk. 1972. PP. 36-57.
10. Tcherkasov E.T. Conjunction // Russian. Encyclopedia. М: Soviet encyclopedia, 1979.
11. Shakhmatov A.A. Syntax of Russian. –М.; L., 1941.
Кандидат исторических наук, старший преподаватель
кафедры международных отношений
Российско-Таджикский (славянский) университет
Ул. М.Турсунзаде, 30, 734025 Душанбе, Таджикистан
Тел.: (+992 37) 227 85 24
Ведущий специалист Центра информационных технологий
и инновационной политики
Российско-Таджикский (славянский) университет
Ул. М.Турсунзаде, 30, 734025 Душанбе, Таджикистан
Тел.: (+992 37) 227 97 91
В статье рассматриваются вопросы оптимизации перехода вуза к включению информационных технологий в учебный процесс. Отмечается, что использования современных информационных технологий и инновационных методов должно нести прагматическую направленность и способствовать подготовке высококвалифицированных специалистов.
Ключевые слова: информационные технологии; Интернет; дистанционное обучение; онлайновое обучение; система непрерывного образования; РТСУ; Центр информационных технологий и инновационной политики; учебный процесс.
1. Ваграменко Я.В. Информатизация образования: что пройдено, куда идем? // Материалы симпозиума СИО-2006. Мальта-Москва: ООО «Регион-Пресс», 2006.
2. Васильев В.Н. Компьютерные информационные технологи - основа образования в 21 веке // Изв. вузов: Приборостроение. 2001. Т.44. № 1.
3. Шоев Н.Н. Вариативные воспитательно-образовательные технологии и инновационные модели обучения в высшей школе. -Душанбе: Ирфон, 2005.
4. Baltzer-Sutton Associates. Higher education and information technology: trends and issues. -Sun Microsystems, 1998. 28 p.
5. Boucher, A. Information technology-based teaching and learning in higher education: a view of the economic issues // Journal of Information Technology for Teacher Education, 7 (1), 1998. 87-111 p.
6. Hawkridge, D., Jaworski, J., & McMahon, H. Computers in Third World Schools: examples, experiences and issues. -London: Macmillan, 1990. 8-9 p.
7. Hitt, J. C. Connecting IT possibilities and institutional priorities // EDUCAUSE Review. 36 (6), 2001. 8-9 p.
8. Sheeran, R. Beyond the first five years: Lessons learned in transforming teaching and learning // EDUCAUSE Review. 36 (4). 2001. 12-13 p.
Candidate of Historical Sciences
Senior Lecturer of the Chair of International Relations
Russian Tajik (Slavonic) University
M.Tursunzade st., 30, 734025 Dushanbe, Republic of Tajikistan
Ph.: (+992 37) 227 85 24
Leading Expert of the Center of Information Technologies
and Innovative Policy
Russian-Tajik (Slavonic) University
M.Tursunzade st., 30, 734025 Dushanbe, Republic of Tajikistan
Ph.: (+992 37) 227 97 91
The article is dealt with introduction of information technologies in educational process. It is noticed that usage of modern information technologies and innovative methods should bear a pragmatically orientation and promote preparation of highly qualified specialists.
Keywords: information technologies; the Internet; remote training, on-line training; system of continuous education; Center of information technologies and the innovative policy; educational process.
1. Vagramenko Ya.V. Informatization of education what is passed, where we go? // Materials of symposium СIО-2006, Malta, Moscow, Open Company "Region-press", 2006.
2. Vasilev V. N. Computer information technologies - a base of education in the 21 century// Т.44, № 1. 2001.
3. Shoyev N.N. Varieties of educational technologies and innovative models of training at the high school. - Dushanbe: Irfon, 2005.
4. Baltzer-Sutton Associates. Higher education and information technology: trends and issues. Sun Microsystems. 1998, 28 p.
5. Boucher, A. Information technology-based teaching and learning in higher education: a view of the economic issues // Journal of Information of the economic issues // Journal of Information Technology for Teacher Education, 7 (1), 1998, 87-111p.
6. Hawkridge D., Jaworski J., & McMahon H. Computers in Third World Schools: examples, experiences and issues. -London: Macmillan, 1990. 8-9p.
7. Hitt. J.C. Connecting IT possibilities and institutional priorities. EDUCAUSE Review, 36 (6), 2001. 8-9p.
8. Sheeran R. Beyond the first five years: Lessons learnt in transforming teaching and learning. EDUCAUSE Review, 36 (4), 2001, 12-13.
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