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Коваленко Г.В. Международный конфликт в современных западных исследованиях

 УДК 327,5



Г.В. Коваленко

Преподаватель кафедры международных отношений

Российско-Таджикский  (славянский) университет

Ул. М. Турсунзаде 30, 734025 Душанбе, Республика Таджикистан

Тел.: (+992) 37 227 85 24


В статье на основе ряда работ современных западных исследователей анализируются проблемы международных конфликтов как разновидности международных отношений, рассматривается их эволюция и трансформация в современных геополитических условиях.

Ключевые слова: конфликт; межгосударственный конфликт; социальный конфликт; баланс интересов; гуманитарная интервенция.


Богатуров А.Д. «Плюралистическая однополярность» и интересы России // Свободная мысль. – 1996. – № 2.

Богатуров А.Д., Косолапов Н.А., Хрусталев М.А. Очерки теории и политического анализа международных отношений. –М., 2002. –C.248.

Недопущение войн и сохранение мира. Поиск надежных средств предотвращения конфликтов // Internationale Politik. Предупреждение конфликтов или интервенция. 2002. № 11-12. C.6; См. также: International Commission on Intervention and State Sovereignty (ICISS) // The Responsibility to Protect: Report of the International Commission on Intervention and State Sovereignty. Ottawa: International Development Research Centre. 2001. P.4.

Addison Tony, Mansoob Murshed. From Conflict to Reconstruction: Reviving the Social Contract // UNU/WIDER Discussion Paper No 48. Helsinki: UNU/WIDER. -2001. -P.388-389.

Calhoun. Craig A World of Emergencies: Fear, Intervention, and the Limits of Cosmopolitan Order // The Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology (Toronto). -2004. -№41(4). -P.373-395.

Carnegie Commission on Preventing Deadly Conflicts // Preventing Deadly Conflict, Final Report. New York: Carnegie Corporation, 1997. [An electronic resource]. –URL: http://www.wilsoncenter.org/subsites/ ccpdc/pubs/rept97/finfr.htm Daniel C.Esty, Jack Goldstone, etc. The State Failure Project: Early Warning Research for US Foreign Policy Planning in Preventive Measures: Building Risk Assessment and Crisis Early Warning Systems / John L. Davies, Ted Robert Gurr (eds.). Boulder: CO & Totowa: Rowman and Littlefield. -1998. -P.27-38.

Collier Paul, Anke Hoeffler. Greed and Grievance in Civil War. World Bank Development Research Group, October 2001. [An electronic resource]. –URL: http://econ.worldbank.org/files/ 12205_greedgrievance_23oct.pdf

Cha Victor.. Globalization and Security // Journal of Peace Research. May. -2000. -№37. -P.393-394; Lawrence Freedman. International Security: Changing Targets // Foreign Policy. -1998. -№110. -P.56; Wolfgang Reinicke. Global Public Policy // Foreign Affairs. -1997. -№76. -P.134.

Duffield Mark . Global Governance and the New Wars: The Merging of Development and Security. London: Zed. -2001. P.14.

Evans Ernest. Our Savage Wars of Peace // World Affairs. -2000. -№163(2). -P.90.

Fox Jonathan. The Rise of Religious Nationalism and Conflict: Ethnic Conflict and Revolutionary Wars, 1945-2001 // Journal of Peace Research. -2004. -№41(6). -P.715-731.

Frances Stewart, FitzGerald Valpy. War and Underdeveloppment. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001.

Giordano Mark., Meredith A. Giordano, T. Wolf Aaron. International Resource Conflict and Mitigation // Journal of Peace Research. -2005. -№42(1). -P.47-65.

Gleditsch Nils Petter, Indra de Soysa,. The Liberal Globalist Case // Bjorn Hettne, Bertil Oden (eds.). Global Governance in the 21st Century: Alternative Perspective on World Order. Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell. -2002. -P.26-73.

Himes R. Kenneth.. Intervention, Just War, and US National Security // Theological Studies (Washington). -2004. -№65(1). -P.141-157.

Jung Dietrich. A Political Economy of Intra-State War: Confronting a Paradox // Shadow Globalization, Ethnic Conflicts, and New Wars: A Political Economy of Intra-State War / Dietrich Jung (ed.). London: Routledge. -2003. -P.12; Mats Berdal, David M. Malon. Introduction // Mats Berdal, David M. Malone. (eds.). Greed and Grievance: Economic Agendas in Civil Wars. Boulder: Lynne Rienner. -2000. -P.3; Ian Beckett. Forward to the Past: Insurgency in Our Midst // Harvard International Review (Cambridge). -2001. -№23. -P.59-63.

Kaldor Mary. New and Old Wars: Organized Violence in a Global Era. -Cambridge: Polity, 2001. -P.6.

Kalyvas N. Stathis. “New” and “Old” Civil Wars: A Valid Distinction? // World Politics. -2001. -№54. -P.99.

Montgomery D. John, Rondinelli A Dennis. A Path to Reconstruction // Harvard International Review (Cambridge). -2004. -№26(2). -P.26; Stuart E. Eizenstat, John Edward Porter, Jeremy M. Weinstein. Rebuilding Weak States // Foreign Affairs. -2005. -№84(1). -P.141-142.

Mansfield D Edward, Pollins Brian.. The Study of Interdependence and Conflict: Recent Advances, Open Questions, and Directions for Future Research // The Journal of Conflict Resolution. -2001. -№45(6). -P.845.

Maxwell W John., Reuveny Rafael. Resource Scarcity and Conflict in Developing Countries // Journal of Peace Research. -2000. -Vol.37(3). -P.303.

Newman Edward. The ‘New Wars’ Debate: A Historical Perspective Is Needed // Security Dialogue. -2004. -№35. -P.174.

O’Hanlon Michael. Coming Conflicts: Interstate War in the New Millennium // Harvard International Review (Cambridge). -2001. -№23. -P.42-46.

Rieff David. Goodbye, New World Order // Mother Jones. -2003. -№28(4). -P.36-41.

Todd Sandler. Economic Analysis of Conflict // The Journal of Conflict Resolution. -2000. №44(6). -P.724-725.

Wallensteen Peter, Sollenberg Margareta. Armed Conflict, 1989-2000 // Journal of Peace Research. -2001. -№38. -P.633-634.


G.V. Kovalenko

Lecturer of Chair of International Relations

Russian-Tajik (Slavonic) University

M. Tursunzade str. 30, 734025 Dushanbe, Republic of Tajikistan

Ph.: (+992) 37 227 85 24


The article is dealt with problems of the international conflicts as the version  of the international relations  on the busses of modern western researchers, the there evolution and transformation in modern  geopolitical conditions.

Keywords: conflict; interstate conflict; social conflict; balance of interests; humanitarian intervention.


Bogaturov A.D. «Pluralistic one-polarity» and interests of Russia // Free thought. 1996. №2.

Bogaturov A.D., Kosolapov N.A., Khrustalyov M.A. Sketches of the theory and the political analysis of the international relations. –M., 2002. -Р.248.

3. Prevention of war and keeping peace. Search of reliable means of prevention of conflicts // Internationale Politik. The prevention of conflicts or intervention. 2002. №11-12. Р.6; See also: International Commission on Intervention and State Sovereignty (ICISS) // The Responsibility to Protect: Report of the International Commission on Intervention and State Sovereignty. Ottawa: International Development Research Centre. 2001. P.4.

Addison Tony, Mansoob Murshed. From Conflict to Reconstruction: Reviving the Social Contract // UNU/WIDER Discussion Paper No 48. Helsinki: UNU/WIDER, 2001. P.388-389.

Calhoun. Craig A World of Emergencies: Fear, Intervention, and the Limits of Cosmopolitan Order // The Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology (Toronto). 2004. №41(4). P.373-395.

Carnegie Commission on Preventing Deadly Conflicts // Preventing Deadly Conflict, Final Report. New York: Carnegie Corporation, 1997. [An electronic resource]. –URL: http://www.wilsoncenter.org/subsites/ccpdc/ pubs/rept97/finfr.htm Daniel C.Esty, Jack Goldstone, etc. The State Failure Project: Early Warning Research for US Foreign Policy Planning in Preventive Measures: Building Risk Assessment and Crisis Early Warning Systems / John L. Davies, Ted Robert Gurr (eds.). Boulder: CO & Totowa: Rowman and Littlefield. -1998. -P.27-38.

Collier Paul, Anke Hoeffler. Greed and Grievance in Civil War. World Bank Development Research Group, October 2001. [An electronic resource]. –URL: http://econ.worldbank.org/files/ 12205_greedgrievance_23oct.pdf

Cha Victor.. Globalization and Security // Journal of Peace Research. May. -2000. -№37. -P.393-394; Lawrence Freedman. International Security: Changing Targets // Foreign Policy. -1998. -№110. -P.56; Wolfgang Reinicke. Global Public Policy // Foreign Affairs. -1997. -№76. -P.134.

Duffield Mark . Global Governance and the New Wars: The Merging of Development and Security. London: Zed. -2001. P.14.

Evans Ernest. Our Savage Wars of Peace // World Affairs. -2000. -№163(2). -P.90.

Fox Jonathan. The Rise of Religious Nationalism and Conflict: Ethnic Conflict and Revolutionary Wars, 1945-2001 // Journal of Peace Research. -2004. -№41(6). -P.715-731.

Frances Stewart, FitzGerald Valpy. War and Underdeveloppment. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001.

Giordano Mark., Meredith A. Giordano, T. Wolf Aaron. International Resource Conflict and Mitigation // Journal of Peace Research. -2005. -№42(1). -P.47-65.

Gleditsch Nils Petter, Indra de Soysa,. The Liberal Globalist Case // Bjorn Hettne, Bertil Oden (eds.). Global Governance in the 21st Century: Alternative Perspective on World Order. Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell. -2002. -P.26-73.

Himes R. Kenneth.. Intervention, Just War, and US National Security // Theological Studies (Washington). -2004. -№65(1). -P.141-157.

Jung Dietrich. A Political Economy of Intra-State War: Confronting a Paradox // Shadow Globalization, Ethnic Conflicts, and New Wars: A Political Economy of Intra-State War / Dietrich Jung (ed.). London: Routledge. -2003. -P.12; Mats Berdal, David M. Malon. Introduction // Mats Berdal, David M. Malone. (eds.). Greed and Grievance: Economic Agendas in Civil Wars. Boulder: Lynne Rienner. -2000. -P.3; Ian Beckett. Forward to the Past: Insurgency in Our Midst // Harvard International Review (Cambridge). -2001. -№23. -P.59-63.

Kaldor Mary. New and Old Wars: Organized Violence in a Global Era. -Cambridge: Polity, 2001. -P.6.

Kalyvas N. Stathis. “New” and “Old” Civil Wars: A Valid Distinction? // World Politics. -2001. -№54. -P.99.

Montgomery D. John, Rondinelli A Dennis. A Path to Reconstruction // Harvard International Review (Cambridge). -2004. -№26(2). -P.26; Stuart E. Eizenstat, John Edward Porter, Jeremy M. Weinstein. Rebuilding Weak States // Foreign Affairs. -2005. -№84(1). -P.141-142.

Mansfield D Edward, Pollins Brian.. The Study of Interdependence and Conflict: Recent Advances, Open Questions, and Directions for Future Research // The Journal of Conflict Resolution. -2001. -№45(6). -P.845.

Maxwell W John., Reuveny Rafael. Resource Scarcity and Conflict in Developing Countries // Journal of Peace Research. -2000. -Vol.37(3). -P.303.

Newman Edward. The ‘New Wars’ Debate: A Historical Perspective Is Needed // Security Dialogue. -2004. -№35. -P.174.

O’Hanlon Michael. Coming Conflicts: Interstate War in the New Millennium // Harvard International Review (Cambridge). -2001. -№23. -P.42-46.

Rieff David. Goodbye, New World Order // Mother Jones. -2003. -№28(4). -P.36-41.

Todd Sandler. Economic Analysis of Conflict // The Journal of Conflict Resolution. -2000. №44(6). -P.724-725.

Wallensteen Peter, Sollenberg Margareta. Armed Conflict, 1989-2000 // Journal of Peace Research. -2001. -№38. -P.633-634.

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