"The 20th anniversary of Russian-Tajik (Slavonic) university: experience of interaction of Russia and Tajikistan in the field of the higher education", devoted to the 20th anniversary the Russian-Tajik (Slavonic) university
On the May 27, 2016 the department of national history of faculty of HIR of RTSU has carried out a round table
"The 20th anniversary Russian-Tajik (Slavonic) university: experience of interaction of Russia and Tajikistan in the field of the higher education", RTSU devoted to the 20th anniversary. More than 30 people, including PRS and graduate students of departments of national history and general history of faculty of HIR, students of office "History" have taken part in work of a As the invited guests were present: vice rector for scientific work of RTSU Abdullaev M. A., deputy dean on study of HIR faculty Artykov A.A, deputy dean on science HIR faculty Holmatov L.Yu., leading expert of department of science Chigrina V. G., head of department of education and youth policy Naskov D. S.
With an opening speech the vice rector for scientific work of RTSU Abdullaev M. A. has acted. He, having greeted participants and guests of a round table, wished fruitful work, noted that in September the 20th anniversary of formation of RTSU will be solemnly celebrated of this year. The current year for Tajikistan is significant being 25 years from the date of declaration of sovereignty of the Republic of Tajikistan. Within this small historical term in independent Tajikistan there were changes in all spheres of social and economic, political and cultural life, including education system. Now RTSU is the member of the international association of teachers of Russian and literature abroad, is included into network university of the CIS, is a member of SCO University, steadily takes the leading positions in a rating of the most prestigious higher education institutions of our country.
Then the department chair of national history, candidate on historical sciences has acted., associate professor Abdulvokhidov R. M. who has also greeted participants and guests of a round table. He has noted that the way which by which university passed within 20 years are years of persistent work, the scientific and creative search of hundreds of teachers deserved recognition and successful practical activities of tens of thousands of graduates. The traditions being put at foundation of university for already many years proceed and supported by several generations of staff of university.
Further according to the program of a round table on the subject 'The Relationship history of Russia and Tajikistan in the Field of Education» professor of department of national history Malikov M. H. made a report. He, in particular noted that in the first years of formation of independence, Tajikistan has faced big difficulties on adaptation of an education system not only to conditions of modern realities, but also to the international standards. The young state couldn't solve this problem alone which endured difficult years of civil opposition at the initial stage of the independence. The basis and formation of RTSU can be carried to fruits of national independence and it is a striking example of results of interaction of two friendly states. In his report Malikov M. H. provided digital data about the contingent of students of RTSU in various years, for example, in 1996 have admitted 195 students to university, and in 2015 – 1484 students. Release of 2001 has made 211 students, 2016 – 1271 students. Also in the report the analysis of results of interaction of Russia and Tajikistan in the field of the higher education are given in details. Also in Tajikistan beside RTSU, branches of a number of the Russian higher education institutions – MSU of M. Lomonosov and others are open. These branches train highly qualified specialists for our republic.
After the main report participants of a round table have acted: professor Pirumshoyev H.P., associate professors Valiyev A.V., Dzhamalova M. K., Rakhmatova Z.Yu., Rakhmatov I.R., Chigrina V. G., Holmatova L.YU., etc. In performances memories of work in RTSU have sounded, achievements and prospects on future development in the field of the higher education between Russia and Tajikistan have been noted.
The offer from the associate professor of national history Rakhmatova Z.Yu. has come to discussions participants of a round table. – to call department of national history by the name of the first rector of RTSU, the historian, candidate of historical sciences , associate professor Sattorov A.S. The offer has been supported by participants of a round table.
Also the results of work of a round table have been summed up and participants have noted that 20th anniversary of RTSU is an example of friendship and cooperation in the higher education between two friendly states – Russia and Tajikistan.
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