The procedure for reviewing articles

Order of article reviewing submitted to the journal "Bulletin of the University"

The Editorial Board of the scientific journal "Bulletin of the university" (Russian-Tajik (slavonic) university) receives for publication the articles on areas declared in journal subject: economics jurisprudence, law, philology, journalism, history and archeology, political science.

The editors reserve the right to select the incoming editions. Articles are published in the journal based on peer review. Authors with doctor’s degree submit their reviews from people who have, respectively, the degree of Doctor of Science, specialists and published works within the last 3 years on the subject of the peer-reviewed article.

The authors of a PhD degree should submit reviews from people who have a doctorate degree or PhD, specialists, published within the last 3 years on the subject of the peer-reviewed article.

Graduate students and competitors for a degree should present the scientific adviser’s review with the recommendation to issue the article. The decision to publish is taken by the editorial board of the edition based on   expert assessments subject to compliance with the materials o thematic trends of the journal, their scientific significance and relevance. The review has to obtain a reasonable transfer of the positive qualities of the material, including the scientific novelty of the problem, its urgency, factual and historical accuracy, the accuracy of the citation, a good writing style, using contemporary sources and motivated transfer of material deficiencies. In conclusion, an overall assessment of the material and the recommendation for the editorial board are given (to publish the material, to publish the material after completion, to send an article for additional review of the expert on a certain branch, to reject).

The size of review is no less than one page of text.

The review must be signed by the reviewer with an indication of a scientific degree, academic rank, position, date of preparation and stamped by the organization where he or she works.

The article received for publication, but needs to be completed, is usually sent to the author with the comments of reviewers and editors. The author should make all necessary changes in the final version of the manuscript and return the corrected text to the editor, as well as its electronic version identical with the original version of the manuscript.

The order and priority for publication of the article is determined by the size of published material and the date of receipt of its final version. Reviewers are not allowed to copy manuscripts for their needs. Disclosure of the confidential review details by the reviewer infringes a copyright of the manuscript author. Reviewers are not allowed to make copies of the manuscript for their needs. Reviewers and editorial staff have no right to use the information contained in the manuscript for their own interest before publication.

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