Order of submission for article manuscripts

 The Editorial Board accepts articles for publication on areas declared in journal subject.  The editors reserve the right to select articles. An article accepted for publication should meet the standards established by the journal (see. Guidelines for Authors). The manuscript should not be above 8 pages. The manuscript is recorded by the executive secretary of the edition. It should be provided with the review of the expert of relevant fields of science with a doctor’s or candidate of science’s degree (for graduate students is also required review of the scientific adviser)

The Editorial Board receives articles for consideration under the expert review with a degree of Doctor of Science (if the author is a Doctor of Science), candidate of science (if the author is a candidate of science, graduate student or competitor).

If the article reviewer has any remarks and needs revising, it is passed to the author to correct them for subsequent approval of the final version with the editorial board.

Article is considered to be accepted for publication in the presence of positive reviews. The order and priority of the article issue is defined according to the number of published articles and accepted date for the article.

An article can be either rejected or sent to the author for revision, or received by the reviewer’s decision to be issued.

The editorial board provides a review of the manuscript at the request of the author, and expert advice at the request of the Higher Attestation Commission.

Rejected manuscripts of articles and manuscripts accepted for publication will not be returned to the author.

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