Editorial Board

Founder: Interstate higher educational institution «Russian-Tajik (Slavonic) University»

The Editorial Board consists of kea lecturers of various branches of learning and research:

Chief Editor: Salikhov N.N., doctor of philology, associate professor, rector of Interstate higher educational institution "Russian-Tajik (slavonic) university"

Editorial staff:

  • Abdullayev M.A., doctor of philology, vice -rector (deputy editor)

  • Baratova R.V., head of editorial department (executive secretary)

  • Shambezoda Kh.J., doctor of philology, professor, vice-rector for university development

  • Salimov R.D., doctor of philology, associate professor, dean of the faculty of philology

  • Iskandarova D.M., doctor of philology, professor, head of chair of theoretical and applied linguistics

  • Spector A.L., candidate of philological sciences, professor of chair of world literature

  • Nuraliev A.N., doctor of philology, professor of the chair of history and theory of journalism and electronic media

  • Chigrina V.G., candidate of philological sciences, assistant professor of chair world literature

  • Komilov S., doctor of economics, professor of the chair of economics

  • Sultanov Z., doctor of economic sciences, professor of the chair of finances and credit

  • Koshlakov G.V., candidate of geological-mineralogical sciences, professor of chair of economics and management

  • Umarov M.A., candidate of technical sciences, associate professor, head of chair of informatics and information technologies

  • Muhidinov S.R., doctor of historical sciences, professor, dean of the faculty of history and international relations

  • Maitdinova G.M., doctor of historical sciences, professor of chair of history and theory of international relations

  • Saidov H.S, doctor of political sciences, head of the chair of history and theory of international relations

  • Ladygina O.V., doctor of pphilosophy, associate professor, head of chair of culturology, pedagogy and psychology

  • Jamalova M.K., candidate of historical sciences, assistant professor of chair of domestic history

  • Zolotukhin A.V., candidate of jurisprudence, associate professor, head of chair of civil law

  • Alimov S.Yu., doctor of law, associate professor, head of chair of state and legal disciplines

  • Sultanova T.I., doctor of law, associate professor, head of chair of business law

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