Founder: Interstate higher educational institution «Russian-Tajik (Slavonic) University»
The Editorial Board consists of kea lecturers of various branches of learning and research:
Chief Editor: Salikhov N.N., doctor of philology, associate professor, rector of Interstate higher educational institution "Russian-Tajik (slavonic) university"
Editorial staff:
Abdullayev M.A., doctor of philology, vice -rector (deputy editor)
Baratova R.V., head of editorial department (executive secretary)
Shambezoda Kh.J., doctor of philology, professor, vice-rector for university development
Salimov R.D., doctor of philology, associate professor, dean of the faculty of philology
Iskandarova D.M., doctor of philology, professor, head of chair of theoretical and applied linguistics
Spector A.L., candidate of philological sciences, professor of chair of world literature
Nuraliev A.N., doctor of philology, professor of the chair of history and theory of journalism and electronic media
Chigrina V.G., candidate of philological sciences, assistant professor of chair world literature
Komilov S., doctor of economics, professor of the chair of economics
Sultanov Z., doctor of economic sciences, professor of the chair of finances and credit
Koshlakov G.V., candidate of geological-mineralogical sciences, professor of chair of economics and management
Umarov M.A., candidate of technical sciences, associate professor, head of chair of informatics and information technologies
Muhidinov S.R., doctor of historical sciences, professor, dean of the faculty of history and international relations
Maitdinova G.M., doctor of historical sciences, professor of chair of history and theory of international relations
Saidov H.S, doctor of political sciences, head of the chair of history and theory of international relations
Ladygina O.V., doctor of pphilosophy, associate professor, head of chair of culturology, pedagogy and psychology
Jamalova M.K., candidate of historical sciences, assistant professor of chair of domestic history
Zolotukhin A.V., candidate of jurisprudence, associate professor, head of chair of civil law
Alimov S.Yu., doctor of law, associate professor, head of chair of state and legal disciplines
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