Department of Cultural Studies, Education, Psychology

Department was established with the founding of RTSU September 1, 1996. From 1996 to 1997 it was called the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology. From 1998 to 2002 had been the Department of Psychological and pedagogical disciplines and culture. Since 2003, it functioned as a department of cultural studies, pedagogy, and psychology.

The department consists of 3 sections: cultural studies, pedagogy, and psychology. The department has  1 head, 1 senior laboratory.

From 1996 to 2001, training was held by the scheme 4 + 1 (Bachelor of Cultural Studies - 4 years of study and training in cultural studies one more year of study).

From 2001 to 2007, the department provides training in cultural studies at five years of studying.

Since 2007 RTSU switched to a four-year bachelors training period.

In 2011, two issues of cultural studies will take place:

- The last graduates of Cultural Studies at five years of studying (23 people);

- Bachelor of Cultural Studies at four-year term of study (19 pers.).

From 1996 to 2007, training was carried out only in full-time education. In 2008, the first time was carried out reception of 20 people for distance learning.

The first issue of cultural studies was carried out in 2001 (19 people).

Total from 2001 to 2011 was released 169 specialists with qualification "Cultural Studies".

In 2010-2011 a contingent of full-time students majoring 520100 Bachelor cultural studies was 100 people, of them on a contractual basis - 15 people, on-site training -31 people.

Department of Cultural Studies, Education, Psychology is a graduate of the department and interdepartmental simultaneously, since such disciplines as cultural studies, psychology, education is taught in all faculties of the University.

Of the 16 members of the department of 14 people have a degree, which is 87.5%, 5 people doctors and professors, which is 31%. Over the past 5 years the number of teachers of the department of protection: two of Doctor of Philosophy (Shoazimov P.D, Ladygina O.V), a Doctor of Psychology (Lezhnina L.V), three candidate of pedagogical sciences (Satarova N.G, Kadyrov M.B, Sharipov F.F), two candidate of historical sciences (Umarov Z.H, Iskandarova ZG). Of the total number of applicants department (16 people). Protect 9 people (Naimova V.R, Rakhmanov R. I, Pirova S.N, Sharipov F.A, Radjabov M.R, Biryukova L.V, Satarova N.G, Kadyrov M.B, Sharipov F.F).

Members of the department are actively involved in the work of the dissertation council. Professor Yuldashev M.R for a number of years was deputy Chairman of the Dissertation Council on specialty 13.00.01 - pedagogical sciences TSPU  in name Juraev K.; professor Karimova  I.H was the scientific secretary of the same Council. Latypov a member of three dissertation councils: the Academy of Education of Tadjikistan, research institutes and TSPUin name of S.Ayni.

The department provides  leadership candidates and graduate full-time training within the specialty 13.00.01 - pedagogical sciences. All of them are working in accordance with individual plans of research.

Today, many members of the department are actively involved in opposing candidate and theses.

The main disciplines of cultural cycle are: the theory of culture, philosophy of culture, sociology of culture, cultural history of the West countries , a cultural history of the East, the history of Russian culture, aesthetics, theory and history of arts, culture of everyday life, applied cultural studies, history Tajiks, intercultural dialogue in the modern world, and others.

Electives: culture and religion, the history of the theater, the foundations of leadership, organizational behavior, organization and direction of holidays, the history of cinema.

The training was carried out only in full-time education from 1996 to 2007. In 2008, for the first time the reception was carried out of 20 people for distance learning.

The first issue of cultural sciences was carried out in 2001 (19 students).

Total from 2001 to 2011,the  169 specialists was released with the qualification " The Cultural Science".

      The contingent of full-time students majoring 520100 Bachelor cultural sciences was 100 people (15 people are on a contractual basis and 31 people are on-site training) in the 2010-2011 academic year.

The department of Cultural science, Pedagogics, Psychology is a graduate of the department and interdepartmental simultaneously, since such disciplines as Cultural science, Psychology, Pedagogics is taught in all faculties of the University.

From 16 members of staff ,14 people have an academic degree that makes 87,5%, 5 people - the doctor of science, professor that makes 31

The main disciplines of cultural science are: the theory of culture, philosophy of culture, sociology of culture, cultural history, cultural history of the West, a cultural history of the East, the history of Russian culture, aesthetics, theory and history of arts, culture of daily occurrence, applied cultural studies, history of Tajiks of the world, intercultural dialogue in the modern world, and etc.

Elective courses are: culture and religion, the history of theater, leadership basis, organizational behavior, organization and direction of holidays, the history of cinema.

The disciplines of specialization carried out in 2 directions:

I)                   –Culturologist-businessman: culture and business, art design, mass culture, sociocultural design in the organizations of culture, producing of show representations, Art– management, corporate culture and communicative culture.

II)                 –Culturologist-manager: culture and power, interaction mechanism, sociocultural design, organization of club and service work, psychology of art creativity, dialogue spatially art culture, national art culture, audiovisual culture.

Open classrooms: humanity of east culture, Renaissance East-West, history of musical culture of Russia, etc.

Along with the scientific and theoretical seminars in the department annually held scientific seminar, which discussed the reports on the specifics of teaching certain disciplines such as: theory and history of culture, the culture of everyday life, art and culture, history of science, cultural studies, sociology of culture and others.

The introduction of scientific research materials on the problem «Intercultural Dialogue in the modern world" in the content of the educational process in the preparation of professional cultural studies has greatly improved the training of students in the department: to improve the educational process at the department of Cultural Studies, the professional training of students improved, particularly students - Cultural.

In the course of daily activities on intercultural dialogue following tasks:

1. The study of the world of international experience in the development and testing of the concept of teaching cultural studies in preparation;

2. The implementation of comparative research in the field of intercultural communication for the purpose of formation of students' specific qualities required in professional work culture experts:

- The abilities to appreciate the humanistic beginning in a variety of traditions;

- The abilities to recognize, render "respect" and to investigate coexistence of several cultural traditions;

- The abilities to interpret the past with "sympathy", objectivity and critically;

- The abilities to be guided by the cultural and moral principles, including also ability to recognize pluralism of interpretations;

- The ability of the problem analysis of various phenomena and categories of culture.

3. The implementation of research papers on the issue of "Intercultural Dialogue in the modern world" in the content of the educational process in the preparation of professional cultural studies.

In 2005-2010 , the staff of the department worked 2 state budgetary themes: "Moral culture of Tajiks, based on humanism and creative pile";"Civic consciousness education: problems, searches of ways of decisions".

Both topics were developed in close cooperation of the department with APN RT. The result of these topics have been publishing articles, speaking at conferences, round tables, meetings with workers of the noble state.

Every year, together with students teaching staff determines the subject of scientific research, scientific reports to the Slavic reading, inter-university and republican conferences. Student scientific activities carried out within the circle "Caravan of Culture". Student research work has repeatedly won prizes at national and intercollegiate conferences.

On 17-18 March 2005 Yuldashev MR in conjunction with the 2nd year student of the department of cultural Gafurova A. are participated in the sub-regional meeting of UNESCO Chairs on intercultural and inter-regional dialogue "Spiritual educational  foundations in the fight against terrorism and extremism" in the Tashkent Islamic University.

Teaching staff of the department has been actively involved in organizing and conducting national and international conferences.

Thus, the Department was the organizer of the International Conference "Culture, Education: The  XXI Century" (2002).

The faculty of the Department of Cultural Studies, Pedagogy and Psychology published: 8 monograph, 4 manuals, 18 educational and training materials,  16 training programs  and more than 150 scientific articles

  Educational work is carried out at the department of the learning process and in his spare time training sessions.

Educational work in the department of Cultural Studies consists of the following activities:

• organizing extracurricular scientific - research (joint preparation of scientific reports, research articles for the Bulletin of the University student, preparing for conferences, meetings with prominent figures of science and culture);

• Active participation of students in the circle Caravan culture;

• Preparation of scenarios and carrying out various cultural - events;

• organizing visits to museums, concerts of classical and modern Tajik, European and other music;

• Theaters and discussion performances;

• Field trips, hiking;

• Development of scenarios and carrying out all the red calendar days;

• Holding cultural events (round tables, debates, meetings with leaders of science and culture) on the chair: "The problem of intercultural dialogue in the modern world";

• Systematic provision of cultural, educational and other assistance to school - a boarding school for orphans and children left without parental care.

Teachers of the department are known in the professional world, not only in Tajikistan, but also in Russia, Ukraine, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan and other countries near and far abroad as the authors of monographs, scientific articles, and books on various issues. They have experience teaching in universities not only in Tajikistan, but also in Russia, in the United States.

As part of the Department of Cultural Studies, Education, Psychology since 2004 under an agreement signed between the Director-General of UNESCO and the rector of the UNESCO Chair RTSU acts "Intercultural Dialogue in the modern world." UNESCO Chair was headed from 2004 to 2009, Professor Yuldasheva  M.R., since 2010 - Associate Professor M.M. Babadjanova

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